Motivational blogs

How to Score more marks in NEET 2020

2020-05-27 12:48:50

New date has been announced for NEET 2020 and it is 26 July. So students you have only 60 days for your preparation. I will share you strategy to score more in the Exam.
1.	Set for your optimistic target 
Please coax yourself to increase your target first as your target will turn into your efforts and definitely you will increase your marks. 
2.	Work on your mental state
Less time always puts pressure on your mind. Output level always drops in pressure. You need to be confident during your preparation especially in examination time 
You have to do 180 questions in 180 minutes. Getting panicked will ruin your hard work. So stay relaxed during examination is must
3.	Select time for your weaknesses and strengths intelligently
You are the best judge for yourself. Select your topics in which you are very strong and keep them strong. Ensure to avoid any silly mistake in these topics 
Select your weak topics “Dont try them yourself, consult with some teacher or tutor” it will save your time . 
As you all know this examination is conducted by CBSE and maximum questions will be asked from books by CBSE. NCERT Textbooks will provide you all the matter you want. You should cover each and every line of these books.
DO AS much AS practise book you can do.
5.	Solve 10 year papers 
Solving past year papers in must for any competitive examination. At this level you have the knowledge of all topics and subjects. Now you have to judge the level of examination, do at least 10 year question papers.
6.	Solve Sample papers 
Practise sample papers